Friday, October 14, 2011

So, what can you do to be an appreciated listener in Social Media?
  1. Read what others post and share stuff that you like.
  2. React to posts by clicking "like", re-tweeting something, leave a (short) comment. These are the equivalents to the little sounds we make when listening in the real world.
  3. Reply to questions, take polls.
  4. Suggest solutions when someone asks for help
  5. Engage in discussions.
  6. Ask further questions to keep a dialogue going
  7. If the conversation gets too complex or personal, offer to move it to an e-mail or a phone call.
  8. Remember what people say and share particular information with them on Twitter or on their Facebook page for instance.
  9. Make sure it is always you who comments last on your Facebook page or your blog. There is nothing more daunting than an open question from a reader. Why would others engage if you do not seem to bother to reply to questions or statements?
  10. And, most important: Always thank people for their contribution.

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