Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Not everything that’s Fat is Fat

A More and better fat intake
In the last 200 years our fat intake has more then doubled. 40% of all calories we take in nowadays are from fat. Most of these fats are however the wrong ones and this needs to be changed as it affects our health tremendously. More then ever are people dying of heart and blood diseases due to to much bad fats.

The Way Our Fat Intake Has Changed:
-          200 years ago 20% of all calorie intake came from fat, nowadays that’s more then double
-          Animal fats or saturated fats are doubled due to the larger intake of meat. This is thanks to the animal farming industry that has developed tremendously over the last 100 years. These fats are easily recognizable as they are solid in appearance; just imagine what these solid fats are doing in your body…
-          Since some 50 years a new fat has appeared: industrially made transitional fats, these fats appear by the production of industrially solidified vegetable fats or oils. They are found up to 10% in margarines. In the 70ies even up to 40%. These fats are real killer fats. They are even inside the body still solid as they only melt by 70 degrees centigrade. This artificial industrial pollution makes for the cell membranes to clog up, the metabolism to be retarded and the arteries to clog up. Fact is that these fats make for processed food products to have a longer shelf life and are therefore popular in the food industry.
-          Olive oil is the most popular unsaturated fat or oil. In the Mediterranean it has been used for centuries as the only oil or fat. It is believed to be the healthiest fat available. It works neutrally and positively in the body. It is only now that we are seeing the health potential of olive oil and it can easily replace margarines and butter. Unsaturated fats by the way are and stay liquid.
-          Multi unsaturated fats: Omega 6, Linol-acid, AA fat; the intake of vegetable fat in liquid form (Linol acids) has only been developing in northern Europe as of the 80ies. In the 60ies these vegetable oils were made popular as for their health under industrial commercials where also the solid form margarine was popularized. The message was that margarine is healthy. Normally however vegetable oils are liquid; under industrial processes it becomes only solid. There are also animal omega 6 fats and out of vegetable oils, animals and humans produce in the body Arachide Acids or the so called AA-fats. Through the eating of more and more meat, more of these animal omega 6 fats are taken into the body; this however is not good if it is too much. Also through eating too many vegetable oils from omega 6 holding plants like corn oil and sunflower oil has the intake of omega 6 risen sharply.
-          Omega 3 fats, Alpha Linol Acids and EPA Fat, DHA fat, are very important vegetable fats of which the intake has sharply diminished lately. They are found in nuts, beans, wild plants and leafy vegetables (Flax, Rape, and Walnut Oils). In these the gradation omega 3 to omega 6 is one to one. They are very important for our health. However due to the industrialization of the cattle breeding and the farming of grains have the omega 6 fats taken over from the omega 3 fats. Cereals hold 120 times more omega 6 (Linol acids) then omega 3 (Alpha Linol Acids). Omega 3 acid molecules bounce off each-other and are therefore very good in the non stick coating of the bloodstream. Another good source for omega 3 fats is fish, but the eating of fish has strongly diminished and become unpopular. From the vegetable omega 3 fat inside algae, fish make a lot of long chained omega 3 fats namely DHA fat and EPA fat, the human body produces the same too if we take in sufficient omega 3 fats. However the eating of fish and wild plants and nuts has stark diminished and this affects our health. The omega 3 fats are the building blocks for the tissue hormones and have many other functions in the body as-well as being building blocks for the nervous system and the brain! It is exactly this omega 3 that we should take more to us.

Intake over the last 200 years:
Total fat intake: from 22 to over 40 %
Saturated Fats: from just under 10 % to more then 20%
Unsaturated Fats Omega 6 from around 8 % to over 12 %
Unsaturated Fats Omega 3 from around 5 % to less then 2 %
Transitional Fats From zero to more then 10 %

Quick Diagram of the Different Fats:
Animal            :                                              Vegetable:                                          Used fats/Processed fats
Saturated Fats                                    Unsaturated Fats                               Degenerated Fat/Trans Fat
            Mono or Simple Unsaturated Fats                Poly or Multiple Unsaturated Fats

                                                           Omega 6 Fats                                     Omega 3 Fats
                                                           Linoleic Acids                                               Alpha Linoleic Acids

Saturated Fat
Everything contains saturated fat.
Every day our bloodstream is flooded with saturated animal fats form meat, cream, butter, fatty milk products, processed meats and sausages…
60% of all fats that are eaten in Europe are coming from animals. Our body does not absorb these kinds of fats as they tend to stay solid. This blubber goes direct to fat depots in our body. It is true that we could have an intake of up to 3 times a day of these fats; bread on butter for breakfast or a butter croissant, bread and butter with a sausage or a piece of meat for lunch and dinner nice cheese and bread with butter, and why not a bag of chips as TV snack?

Fast Fact: 25% of kids are overweight and 75% of teenagers have already fat depots in the bloodstream / the veins.

After a fatty meal with lots of saturated or worse trans fats, the bloodstream will be flooded for hours in a row with blobby fats. It’s a CHAOS for our metabolism.

A lot of saturated fat makes us fat
100 Gr. Saturated fat holds double as much calories then out of 100 gr. of carbohydrate from potatoes, bread or fruits. This way it’s easy to eat quickly too many calories. Cheese, butter and sausages (fatty ones) do not contain fiber and make you feel full only when it’s too late already (the stomach doesn’t need to work hard on them to get them into the digestion). This way it is simple to eat too much on a continuous basis and rapidly it becomes too late. Each fourth child, that is one in four, is now already too fat due to the intake of too much saturated animal fats.
Every second German is overweight (average in North Western Europe every third).
Fat people and people that eat a lot of saturated fats are more likely to get diabetes, heart attacks, high blood pressure, blood circulatory diseases, arthritis and other blood related disease as well as other auto immune diseases.

Aerobics for Stable Animals
Our body was made to eat different from what we eat now; the human being is a carnivore, meaning it should eat from everything. Meat is important for the right intake of certain vitamins like B12, however it holds more necessary components but has become fatter and fatter. 100 years ago meat was a lot healthier and in the ice times an animal would have put only 3% fat on the scale. Now due to the immobilization in stables of animals this has risen to 20 to 25 %! This is because it is easier to keep the animals in stables and get them on the right weight faster then to let them graze in wide pastures. Game meat is however more lean and contains less fat. On top of this is the feeding of animals based on feeding them lots of omega 6 holding plants like corn residues and wheat products. Through this the meat holds also more omega 6 fatty acids.
So it is better to find meat from animals that have moved around in the fields or from game that has lived in the woods then fatty pork meat or stable cow meat. The omega 3 fatty acids are available in wild plants and grasses which stable animals rarely get to eat.

Game Meat Holds More Unsaturated Fat
Due to the eating habits of game and animals living in the wild like getting natural foods in the forests and fields, the meat contains more unsaturated fat. The omega 3 fats from the plants they eat are in a higher percentage available in their meat and make them healthier. Also due to the exercise they do the meat becomes leaner. The meat fats are therefore different and hold more unsaturated fats.

Fast Fact: Nowadays we have more saturated fats in the meat:
                        Wild Buffalo:                                                            Stable Beef:
Total Fat:                    3%                                                                 25%
Saturated Fat:             10%                                                               20%

Saturated Fats Glue Our Transport System Together
5% of Ten year olds in North Europe show signs at that age already of bloodstream damage.
A person is as young as the 240000 km of blood veins he has. By eating a lot of unsaturated fats the veins are clogged at a rate of 2% a year. Its pure mathematics and a matter of time to get to the results.
30 and 40 year olds show now already signs of high blood pressure and chest pains, due to over intake of saturated fats. The heart is put under extreme pressure like this as it needs to pump harder and harder until it just stops. In the other extreme some of the fat depots come loose and block the oxygen transport to the heart completely (Heart Attack) or the brain (Stroke).
Half of all Germans die from blood and heart diseases and digestive deficiencies, most of these diseases were caused by eating too many of the wrong kinds of fat.

Transitional or Transient Fats
Hardened Vegetable Oils and Fats
These are artificially solidified fats that the food industry has invented. They become hard through the heating of the vegetable fats to temperatures from 15 to 240 degrees for hours in a row. During this process a completely new fat molecule is produced; the transitional fats which our body does not recognize. Afterwards these transitional fats do not dilute anymore. These transient fats are having a longer shelf life and are therefore used more in the food industry. These fats are simply put on the packing of ready food products like sausages and choco-paste as vegetable fats but in essence do they contain these transient fats that are even more dangerous then animal fats.

Transient Fats are Killer Fats
In a Swedish study of 20000 men they found that the part that ate a lot of transient fat had a higher risk of heart attacks of 39%.
Even with an intake of only 2% more transitional fat two studies involving 700 older men and 80000 nurses have indicated that over a period of 10 respectively and 14 years of eating 2% transitional fats a day made the chances of getting a heart attack go up with respectively 29% for the men (10 years) and 36 % for the women (14 years).
It’s almost unbelievable how these fats (an so little of it) can have such an impact on the health.
Eating 2% more killer fats increase the risk for a heart attack with almost a third.

No More Killer Fats
In order to live life better and longer and healthier it’s not necessary to eat less fat but more of the right fats. Just by eating less or NO killer fats one can easily sink the chances of a heart attack with 50%. (No deep fried stuff or ready made sausages and other composed foodstuffs)
By us humans nowadays comes 40% of our calories intake from fats and oils.

Unsaturated Fats
Live Important Fatty Acids
Believe it or not life’s building blocks are only 47 in number. These are: vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids and two fats: omega 3 (alpha-linol acid) and omega 6 (linol acid).
The last two are life essential and cannot be produced by the human body; they need to come from food intake. All other fats can be produced by the human body. The omega 3 and 6 fats are vegetable fats which are mainly found in green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains.

Essential Fats are no Fuel
Omega 3 and 6 fats are hardly used as energy sources in the human body. They are used for the building of cell structures and membranes; they are building blocks for the brain, they keep the nervous system conductive and they are used in the production of RNA (messenger RNA) which are responsible for the blood-pressure control, the blood consistency and flow ability, the control of the immune system and even in the reading of the genes. Without these fats life would be impossible.

Omega 3 and Omega 6 are antagonists
O3 and O6 fats have opposite activities in the body. Through the RNA one is responsible for the blood pressure to go up, the other for the going down of the blood pressure.
It is therefore important to have a healthy balance in the body of these fats. Problem is nowadays not enough omega 3 is taken into the body.

To much omega 6 and not enough omega 3 fats
In the Stone Age and thereafter the intake of omega 3 and 6 fats was equal or close to 1/1, nowadays it’s at 20/1. This is simply due to the intake of more margarine, sunflower oil, corn-oil, soy oil and vegetable oils in bakery products and less intake of oils from fish, green leafy vegetables and nuts.
It should be minimum 5 to 1 and therefore the eating of nuts, linseeds, linseed oil, flax oil and canola oil.
Not enough omega 3 fats and too many omega 6 fats make that the omega 6 will disturb by the production of hormones.

Long life through Omega 3 Fats
Omega 3 fats are healthy. It’s known that the Eskimos who eat 60% of fat and the people of Crete who eat 10% more fat then the Germans…
The eating of wild plants, vegetables, leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds and omega 3 rich eggs by the Crete’s gives them a high intake of omega 3 fats. The Eskimos eat a lot of fish. The Crete’s live the longest in Europe and have 20% less heart attacks then the North Europeans. The Eskimos do not know heart attacks. Also the Japanese that eat a lot of fish have one to five times higher life expectancy in comparison with other industrialized nations. The right kind of fat (more omega 3 and fewer omega 6) is important.

Good to know:
Omega 3 fats are good for the arteries, sea-fish, walnuts, rape oil, canola oil, rape oil, flaxseed, linseed, linseed oil, hold omega 3 fats. Less margarine and sunflower oil take the omega 6 down.
The worst the balance between omega 3 and 6 the more chance for heart attacks;

Land               Omega 6 to Omega 3             Deaths through Heart Diseases
Europe, USA  20/1                                        40%
Japan               10/1                                        12%
Crete               4/1                                          4%
Eskimos          1/1                                          Unknown

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