Sunday, January 18, 2015


High Blood Fats, More then 2 in 3 North Europeans is Affected

Mono Unsaturated Fats Help Cholesterol Go Down
Two thirds of North Europeans have to high Cholesterol. The Mediterranean figures show less high blood fat levels as they eat less animal fats and use more olive oil. One simple way to reduce these blood fat levels is to change the diet: less animal fats and more vegetables, olives, fish, nuts, olive oil and fruits.
Only by changing the oil usage the LDL cholesterol can be lowered with 20%.

LDL Cholesterol Fat Transporters in the blood and Depots
LDL fat transporters transport the fatty acids from the liver trough the arteries to the cells, that use these fatty acids as energy, building blocks for cell structure and different base products. Each LDL transports up to 3800 fatty acids of which 1300 unsaturated fatty acids. LDL carriers contain cholesterol and other fatty acids but in general are referred to as LDL cholesterol. These LDL transporters carry all these different fats around and go to the receptors of the different cells in order to deposit the fats. The cells are either saturated or full or they need more fats. In the case when they are full (saturated) the LDL is not absorbed by the cells and the fats stays in the bloodstream.
These leftovers could become dangerous if they become to much and definitely when they oxidize in the bloodstream. LDL cholesterol is therefore also called bad cholesterol as it carries unsaturated fatty acids through the bloodstream that could easily be oxidized and deposit itself on the arteries.

HDL A Necessary Cholesterol Vacuum Cleaner
HDL is the collector of leftover cholesterol in the bloodstream. It is capable even of loosening the LDL deposits in the arteries when this is still possible and make it to excretion through the intestines. These loosened and deposited in the intestines LDL deposits will easily be excreted when one eats enough fiber rich foods.
Good fiber is available in all non purified products, fruits like apples and whole wheat products or crushed oats. Without the fiber in the intestines the cleaning process from the HDL of the LDL in the bloodstream will seize as the cholesterol will be again absorbed in the bloodstream and everything starts from the beginning. The eating of fiber rich foods is therefore also important for the automatic cleaning process of our body to be sustained. Up to 10% of the bad cholesterol can be lost only by eating lots of fiber rich foods. Important is to have a lot of HDL cholesterol.

All Cells Close, Too Much Total Cholesterol
The bad and good cholesterols LDL and HDL make out the largest part of the total cholesterol in the body. As of 200 milligram per deciliter blood, the cells in our body will be all occupied for intake of fatty acids. The LDL for depositing fatty acids and the HDL for the removal of trash (oxidized fatty acids, leftover LDL) are at the peek of occupying all the cells. Above 200 mg/dl the leftover LDL will stay floating in the blood stream. Here the unsaturated fatty acids inside the LDL transporters can start oxidizing. Therefore the levels of total cholesterol should not be more then 200 mg/dl.

LDL and HDL, the Balance is Important
Probably more important then the 200 mg/dl is the balance between LDL and HDL cholesterol. It is important not to have more then 4 times the amount of LDL then HDL as above this level the HDL will not come to do their job anymore namely the taking out of the leftover LDL and deposits. Even if the total cholesterol is on or below the 200 mark, the balance of 1 to 4 if not maintained, can still cause heart and blood diseases.

Saturated Fats Lower the Cell Deposit Accessibility of the LDL
The cholesterol cell deposit zones can also be occupied by animal saturated fatty acids. They cause a blockade of the cell harboring zones and make for the LDL to stay in the bloodstream. This mechanism is the one of the main reasons for the blood fat levels to go up. Unsaturated fatty acids do not do this and therefore is it better to replace the saturated fats with unsaturated fats in order to remove the blockades and reduce this way the LDL with 30%.

In order to reduce cholesterol drastically it is necessary to keep the cell intake zones free from saturated fats as they clog up the intake system. They just block the cell intake zones and nothing more. By reducing the intake of saturated fats and instead eating unsaturated fats (that do not block the intake zones) one can reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood drastically. It is not the cholesterol intake from food that is the main reason for the LDL levels to be high, it’s the intake of saturated fats that clog up the system that are the cause of that.

Lower the Cholesterol Made Easy:
Whole wheat and fiber work wonders. By eating more fiber rich foods, fruits and vegetables the chances to get a heart infarct or a stroke reduce. The fiber withholds the energy rich substances to go directly in the blood-stream; they reduce the rate at which this occurs. By doing so the values in the blood are also reduced. Fiber rich foods, fruits and vegetables hold also many vitamins and protecting elements, good for the body.
Oat-flakes and oats hold dissolvable fiber products that studies have shown can reduce the cholesterol with 10%. All whole wheat products, apples, fruits and vegetables however, hold dissolvable fiber products that can reduce the LDL and the total cholesterol levels in the blood.

Cholesterol Low Food Products
With cholesterol low foods one can only reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood little. The tables on the side of the boxes (another trick of the food industry to influence our buying behavior) say in essence nothing about how your body will reduce its cholesterol. The best way to influence the cholesterol levels is by making the intake system of the cells free by reducing the levels of saturated (animal) fat intakes.

Eat an Egg without Problems
Eggs have a very bad reputation in the cholesterol debates; however eggs contain very important vitamins and egg whites. The reality is (coming from a Harvard University study involving 37000 men and 80000 women) that the eating of eggs did not increase the risk for heart and blood diseases. It was the same for those eating an egg a week or an egg a day. But its better to leave the fat bacon and the butter on the bread away as it are exactly those saturated fats that increase the risk.

Anti-aging for the Blood-Circulation
A change of fat intakes is necessary if one wants to keep the veins healthy and up and running even in later stages of your life. Up to 10 years active and healthy life more when you start sooner then later with a different diet a more Mediterranean diet.

Live up to 10 Years Longer (or more)
Till now there was no data on life expectancy when and condition of the veins and arteries if they have been transporting blood with low fat levels for 30 or 40 years
A study of 80000 men under 40 has been observed for 34 years, the outcome: if the blood cholesterol stays lower then 200 mg/dl the life expectancy of those men was increased with 8, 9 years.

Two Thirds of North Europeans has too High Cholesterol
Studies (with over 350000 people) have shown also that men with a cholesterol level lower then 200 mg/dl and with a low blood-pressure can live up to 9,5 years longer and women up to 5,8 years longer. This longer living means still being fit and active and this only thanks to a change in fat intake. The cause of bad blood fat levels comes 80% from taking the wrong fats in.

Vegetable Oils Are Good To Reduce Cholesterol
An oil change in a car after 200000km will also not help the car anymore. When the long lasting effects of an oil intake started early will have serious impact on your health and active life.
Cholesterol can be reduced with lower fat intake but also through the eating of unsaturated fats from vegetables and fish instead of saturated fats:
-          Eat just little fat in general, but by doing so one does not only reduce the bad LDL but also the good HDL, that works on the collection and transport to the intestines of the leftover LDL.
-          Eat more unsaturated fats from plants then saturated fats from animals
Unsaturated vegetable fats reduce the bad LDL and leave the good HDL untouched. Mono unsaturated fats and poly unsaturated fats equally have the same effect. Olive oil is however more stable then other vegetable oils.

Blood fat Composition and Explanation
Total cholesterol:
Good or OK:              200 mg/dl
Border level:               240 mg/dl
To high:                      Above 240

Most North Europeans have a total cholesterol level of 300 mg/dl. As of 240 mg/dl the risk of getting a deadly heart attack is 3 times higher then at the normal level of 200. Over a period of 35 years that could mean 8,9 years less to live and with level as high as 350 mg/dl the risk for heart-attacks is catapulted eightfold.

LDL or transporters TO the cells:
Every second North European has to high levels of LDL, over 160 mg/dl.
Ideal:              100 mg/dl
OK:                 130 mg/dl
Border level:   130-160 mg/dl
Bad:                160 and above

When one has got a predefined genetic or running in the family problem with heart and blood diseases, when one smokes, has high blood pressure, diabetes or is overweight one should lower or have lower levels of LDL.
Persons with the above risk factors should have LDL of fewer than 160. In case of multiple of the above mentioned risk factors it should be lower then 130. In case of heart and diabetes patients it should be less then 100.

HDL the cholesterol vacuum cleaner in the direction of the intestines:
Low levels of HDL are good for the balance between the different blood fats, however lower then 35 mg/dl would double the risk for heart and blood diseases.
Protective:      60 mg/dl
Border:           40-60 mg/dl
Bad:                under 40

Balance between HDL and LDL:
One to four is ideal. Four times more LDL then HDL

Balance between total Cholesterol and HDL:
Under 3.5 is ideal
4 is normal
Over 5 is bad

Calculate your own risk factor:

Olive Oil Lowers LDL
Poly unsaturated oils like sunflower oil have long been considered to de cholesterol lowering. This is also true for mono unsaturated oils like olive oil.

Tipp to lower cholesterol:
To eat very little fat all together lowers                    lowers bad LDL         lowers Good HDL
Less saturated fat and more poly unsaturated fats;  lowers LDL                Stable HDL
Omega 6
Less saturated fat and more mono unsaturated fats lower LDL                 Stable HDL

The PARPADOX More Fat Less Heart Attacks
What will happen when one would start changing 5% of the carbohydrates with fats? Well when taking 5% of carbohydrates out of the food and replace it with unsaturated oils then the risk for heart attacks is lowered with 20%.

Good to know:
12000 men were followed for 15 years: in the Mediterranean are up to 5 times less heart diseases due to the fact of eating olive oil
84000 nurses were observed for 14 years; the risk for heart attacks was lowered with 20% when 5% of the carbohydrates were replaced with unsaturated fats.
14 studies altogether have found that olive oil of the best quality can lower the LDL cholesterol with 20%. 

The Latest News: Mono Unsaturated Fats Protect Against Diabetes!
“Eat less fat and more carbohydrates and still people become fatter and fatter…”
And more people start to suffer from diabetes…by eating more carbohydrates and less unsaturated fats…
The solution: eat more unsaturated fats and nuts; it will help lower the risk to get fat and to get diabetes. Why?
The unsaturated fats do not affect the blood sugar level like the carbohydrates do which are in fact sugars. Carbohydrates from white bread, boiled potatoes and refined sugars are absorbed in the blood VERY fast and make the blood-sugar level go up very easily. The energy released in the blood this way needs to get a way out for which INSULIN is responsible. It makes it possible for the cells to absorb the energy (sugar) but also store it in between as fat, when the levels are too high and the cells saturated. This fat is directly deposited in the areas around the kidneys and the liver. This process is going rather fast and soon the blood sugar levels will be lower again and the body will ask for more food. As long as there is insulin in the blood no fat will come out of any cells.

The Latest News: With less hunger and a More Stable Blood Sugar level
Whilst eating more unsaturated fats makes for the blood sugar levels to stay more stable without feeling hungry as the energy is diluted slower and steadier. Fat doesn’t affect the blood sugar neither. This way will the pancreas not constantly produce insulin to reduce the sugar levels in the blood, which when it does could lead to diabetes.
The study with 84000 nurses has the answer how it affects the diabetes risk:
Those that ate 5% more carbohydrates and lowered the intake of unsaturated fats with 5% increased the risk for diabetes with 56%

So; practical tip:
Eat more nuts and olives as snacks as they hold more unsaturated fats and give longer a full feeling. Have more unsaturated oils like olive oil, they do not influence the blood sugar level but give the same energy and lower the risk for heart and blood diseases.
The Swedish Alba Oil with a butter aroma is the best available alternative for butter. It contains 61% unsaturated fat, 10 % omega 3 fatty acids and no cholesterol.

Positive Points from the Mediterranean Cuisine
It is all about the fact that omega 6 poly unsaturated fatty acids (like sunflower oil) are less stable and oxidize faster. So the intake of oils that hold lots of omega 6 fats is bad as they will make the LDL cholesterol more unstable and make for it to oxidize easier. The oxidized LDL cholesterol is exactly that kind of fat rests that will glue on the insides of our arteries. It is therefore important to take mono unsaturated fats, (olive oil) into the body as they are a lot more stable and do not oxidize so easy. 
The Four Plus Points from a Healthy Diet:
-          Less saturated fats all together as it will reduce the blocking of the LDL docking zones in the cells. This way the LDL is faster absorbed in the cells and out of the blood.
-          More mono unsaturated fats from olive oil will lower the number of LDL transporters in the blood.
-          The mono unsaturated fats will stabilize the left over LDL so they will not oxidize so fast
-          The amount of natural substances and vitamin E from olive oil, nuts, fish and many vegetables and herbs make for the LDL and the whole body to be more protected from oxidation.
-          Mono unsaturated fats on top of this lower also the risk for diabetes.

Medical Facts:
Mono Unsaturated Fats:
-          Oxidize less fast then poly unsaturated fats, which is positive for the arteries as only oxidized fats glue themselves on the inside of the arteries.
-          It makes for the blood cells to stay coherent and not sticky
-          Higher intake of mono unsaturated fats lowers the risk for heart and blood diseases.
-          It has a working on lowering the LDL and stabilizing the balance between LDL and HDL
-          The HDL stays the same or might increase slightly
-          Can slightly lower too high levels of triglycerides 

Some Olive and Mediterranean Eating Tips:
-          Bruschettas with olive oil, tomato basilica or olive paste
-          Marinated olives in traditional ways from France, Italy, Turkey or Greece
-          Olive Paste with any kind of added flavor, from garlic to sun-dried tomatoes
-          Avocados; hold up to 70% mono unsaturated fats.
-          Nuts; almonds and hazelnuts hold up to 70 to 80 % mono unsaturated fats
-          Pesto; walnuts, lemon juice, garlic, basil. Walnuts are more worth then pistachio nuts as they also contain omega 3 fats. All the other ingredients are very healthy and hold many important substances like vitamin C, E and fiber.

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